16 Aug 2010

Torchwood Day One Review

This started off as a episode 1 review but things got complicated so heres episode 2. :D

Sex, Sex, sex. If you want to live, you’ll come across it at some point, especially if you’re Torchwood
Gwen’s first day, pretty expected, she messes up. Now some writers try to be unpredictable, but no-one has a perfect first day.
Already some flirting between Owen and Gwen, then whoosh. Some gas just escapes from the rock, as i said previously, no-one has a first day. Gwen was very apologetic in this episode i think and you can tell theres no emotion in those lines. Moving swiftly on, its never just a normal day is it, on tv, never just bone of them boring days where nothing happens, i can prove it with this episode; with torchwood you don’t get no mustard gas or killing gas oh no, its a sex gas.
The purpose of this episode was to show the audience what Torchwood can do and to convince parents not to let their gorgeous tiddy winks lay there tiny premature eyes on the flappy gory sexy naughty bits that the tv has the right to show.
Having a look on the other side of Cardiff now, is Carys, who gets possessed by the sex gas, here we go. She goes in finds a guy, shags him, before you know it he’s turned to dust. So torchwood comes. What Gwen basically is in this show for the first few episodes... she’s us, but i think that even we are clever enough to realise that if there is a secret organisation in which specialises in crime then there certainly going to be a stash of bodies. Oh well, she’s just an idiot.
Now then, not that im a pervert, or a sexual predator, but how come she didn’t shag her dad? I mean yeah it would have been disturbing but thats what would really happen if you were possessed by some sex gas.
Postman attack!! The bad thing about that is that you completely expected it, and i didn’t like that. Over the next few minutes or so we see torchwood in gas masks, pebble jail, and Gwen and Carys get their groove on in a sex fest! Id like to buy a DVD off Dr. Harper please

Overall i think it was a good sexy episode but it had some qualities which were quite inappropriate.
Copyright Who Critique

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